Dreamwood Woodart Wholesale
In the in-house workshop precision and perfection come first. Dreamwood manufactures in small series production and attaches great importance to a very high quality workmanship!
Dreamwood builds the following models in series:
Glow RCV 18 (510-Vaporizer)
Glow RCV DLX (510-Vaporizer)
Dobby, Handvaporizer
Punch, Handvaporizer
Punch Mini, Handvaporizer
DLX ONE, Bongvaporizer (Holz- und Glassystem 14er/18er Schliffe)
DLX PRO, Bongvaporizer (Holzsystem 14er/18er Schliffe)
DLX M, Bongvaporizer (Holzsystem 14er/18er Schliffe)
DLX Vapopipe, Pfeifenvaporizer
Roasty S + L, verschiedene Formen und Holzarten
Many different products complement the Dreamwood collection.
We rely on our many years of experience in the field of vaporizers and look forward to inquiries.
Custom order on request for dealer and endconsumer.
Contact us at Greendream: E-mail: info@greendream.shop oder Tel.: 0049(0)15251801895